Announcement - Pond works by the Fox Inn Public House

Adjacent the Fox Inn PH


July 2024

A message from the Parish Council - “Work to dig out the pond by the pub and clear the drainage ditches around the village will commence on Monday 15th July. Please do not park by the railings above the pub as access for the full length of these will be required. These works are an essential part of the village’s flood protection measures. As part of these works, the edges and surface of Watery Lane will be repaired and the path closed for short periods. Please bear with the contractor while the works are in progress, thank you”.

Website survey link - Cotswolds National Landscape


July 2024

Dear Parish Clerk,

We’re currently working to redevelop our website. We’re working with a consultancy, BTeam to do the research stages, and the site redevelopment.

We would like to learn more about the needs of those who want to enjoy the Cotswolds. In particular, we seek to understand how the Cotswolds NL website can better serve a range of audiences.

Please could you help, by completing a very short questionnaire to help us understand more?

You can access the questionnaire using this link:

The questionnaire is very quick and should take around 5 minutes (or less!) to complete. It will be analysed by a researcher from B Team, a consultancy conducting a project on behalf of Cotswolds NL.

If you are willing to participate in our research, you will find it useful to look at the Cotswolds NL website:

Participants' input will be shared anonymously via a report and set of recommendations—it will not be possible to identify you personally in the research outputs. You can read about how we will manage the data we collect in BTeam’s Research Methodology.

Notice of Vacancy - New Councillors wanted


June 2024

We are sorry to announce that Cllr William Neill has resigned from the Parish Council.  We thank him for all the time and effort he has freely given to keeping the village in top shape, he will be missed.  

The vacancy will be filled by election if a request from 10 local government electors for the Parish is received within 14 working days from 20/6/24.  Requests should include each elector's name and address and they should be sent to the Chief Executive at the address below or by email to

If an election is called it will take place no later than 12/9/24.

If 10 signatures are not received by the date given, the Parish Council may fill the vacancy by co-option.

Robert Weaver

Chief Executive

Trinity Road

Cirencester GL7 1PX

Planning update - Call in' process - Changes to the Scheme of Delegation


June 2024

Dear All,

Planning is obviously a key element of what CDC does in our area. As the Local Planning Authority, they have the job of reviewing and ultimately approving or denying applications relating to development - large and small. In the normal process, if an application receives no objections, then the LPA uses a system known as the Scheme of Delegation. This basically means that a Planning Officer will make a recommendation, which is then reviewed by senior planners within CDC and a decision notice is issued. If, however, an objection is lodged, then the officer must refer their recommendation to the Ward member, with a view to ascertaining if any further scrutiny of the recommendation is required. At this point, the Ward member has 7 business days to contact the relevant parties and take feedback on any concerns. If sufficient information is forthcoming, the Ward member can request a referral to the Planning Committee Agenda Review Panel, who will decide if it merits a hearing at Committee. Nb. This occurs at the end of the process when all relevant information from the statutory consultees such as Highways, Landscape or Conservation have been received.

As some of you may remember, a while ago CDC proposed a change to this planning process. From the 1st of April this year, the Ward member will now have 28 days from the time of validation, to decide if they would like to take the option of a referral. The wording is:

The above application/notification has been lodged in your Ward.
The application form, plans, and accompanying documents are available to view online using the following link for your information only: Public Access 
Members have 28 days from the date of this letter to make a referral to the Planning and Licensing Committee Review Panel to consider whether the application should be heard by the Committee. Should you require further time, then you can email the case officer to ask for an extension of time for you to make your referral request to the Review Panel. Please remember to state the reason why you believe an extension of time is required. In the event of no request being made within 28 days of the application being received, the application will be determined under delegated authority in line with the Scheme of Delegation contained within the Council's Constitution. If you would like to make a referral, please complete this pro-forma

Nb. To ask for an extension, there must be a valid planning reason - missing plans, lack of feedback from a key expert, i.e. Highways etc. - and the expectation is that the extension be no longer than a week. As Ward members, we have been told that this change will allow us to engage with the officer at an earlier stage in the process, but to be completely frank, my opinion on an application should only ever reflect that of the residents. I should at all times remain neutral on an application until such time as I have heard from the people that will be most affected, usually neighbours, and seen the views of the 'experts'.The reason for this email is to raise awareness of this change so that Parish Councillors can adjust, if required, their internal systems of reviewing planning applications in their parish. Given that some PCs meet less frequently than others, fitting in to the 4-, possibly 5-week window may need some juggling of diaries! Unless there is an obvious concern regarding an application, it is difficult to envisage a situation where I would automatically ask for a committee review, especially if I have seen no objections. This effectively means that after 28 days, residents/PCs will no longer have the option to request a 'call in', regardless of their concerns. I have asked CDC to issue an official communication educating residents about the new rules - stay tuned. Finally, please do impress on your residents that if they have a view on an application - for or against, or just a general observation - it is now imperative that they post those comments on the Planning Portal ASAP. This will give me the time to review that local feedback in time to have additional conversations with the relevant parties and hopefully within the new deadline. Not every decision needs to go to the Committee, but if we want to retain that option, we need to adjust how we approach this process. Any questions, please give me a shout.

Best regards,

David David Cunningham Ward Councillor Fossebridge, Cotswold District Council07753 755503

Police and Crime Commissioner Election - Thursday 2 May 2024

Cotswold District Council


May 2024

The Police and Crime Commissioner Election which is taking place on Thursday 2 May 2024.

The election is for the PCC of Gloucestershire and is being run by the Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) based in Gloucester City Council.

Cotswold District Council Local Returning Officer, Robert Weaver will be conducting the election within our District on behalf of the PARO.

Our website includes a link to Gloucester City Council’s website where the notices, information for prospective candidates, lists of candidates and other key information will be held.

The list of candidates will be known after 4pm on Friday 5 April with a notice being published no later than 4pm on Monday 8 April.

Poll cards

Poll cards will be posted to all registered electors on 25 March. If anyone does not receive their poll card or has changed their address, name etc they should re-register at .

The same link can be used for residents who are not yet registered to vote. The deadline to register to vote at this election is Tuesday 16 April.

Postal and proxy voting

Anyone wishing to vote by post can apply online at . The deadline for making an application is 5pm on Wednesday 17 April.

Anyone wishing to appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf can apply online at . The deadline for making an application is 5pm on Wednesday 24 April.

Paper forms are available by contacting this office.

Voter ID required

Anyone voting in person at a polling station will be required to provide an acceptable form of photo ID before being given their ballot paper.

Anyone needing a free Voter Authority Certificate should apply by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April at or contact us for a paper form.

Polling stations

If anyone is unsure of their polling station, they can check the details on our website by entering their postcode.

If you have any questions relating to the election or electoral registration, please do get in touch.

Kind regards


Sarah Dalby

Electoral Services Manager/Deputy Returning Officer

01285 623002

Cotswold D Council Local Plan - Consultations begin!

Cotswold District Council


February 2024


Broadwell Village Hall


January 2024

Please note parish council meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of every other month, the first one being the 10th of January 24.  All public are welcome to make comments at the beginning of the meetings.

Broadwell PC's Comments for Stow & Swells Neighbourhood Development Plan


January 2024

Dear Residents

As you all know public consultation is taking place for the Stow and the Swells Neighbourhood Development Plan, which is being held on the Cotswold District Council's website and this consultation closes on midday 5th January 24 (please use the link above to access consultation).

The official submission of comments from Broadwell Parish Council is attached for your viewing.

We are encouraging all residents of Broadwell to have their say in the consultation.  

Broadwell Parish Council has also endorsed the commissioned report from Chadwick Town Planning.

We are happy for you to use any part of our comments for your submission.


Broadwell Parish Council Members

Winter Warmth for others


November 2023

Stow Neighbourhood Plan - CDC Consultation is now open (closes 5th January)

Cotswold District Council Website


November 2023

Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council has submitted a Neighbourhood Plan to help shape the development of Stow-on-the-Wold and the Swells.

The plan sets out a vision for the future of the two parishes and proposes planning policies to be used alongside the Cotswold District Council Local Plan to determine planning applications in the area.

Under the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations, the Plan is subject to a consultation run by Cotswold District Council, before being reviewed by an Independent Examiner, who will take comments into account in reaching a view on the Plan and its policies.

The Stow-on-the-Wold and the Swells Neighbourhood Plan proposes 16 policies to shape new development, including the allocation of a new mixed-use development, a principal residency policy, designation of Local Green Spaces, the promotion of a new Design Guide and a wide range of policies seeking to address community concerns.

Interested parties are now asked to submit their views on the Stow-on-the-Wold and Swells Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation. Anyone wishing to comment must do so by 12 noon on Friday 5th January 2024.

To make your comments, please complete the form on our website.

We will accept other comments in writing (including electronic, such as email, provided that a name and address are supplied. We cannot accept anonymous comments.

Following the public consultation, the plan will be examined independently to ensure that it meets the conditions of the Localism Act and other relevant regulations. Public comments will also be considered by the independent examiner in determining whether the Plan meets the legal requirements.

For more general information about Neighbourhood Planning please see:

Broadwell Parish Council encourages all of its residents to have their say by following the above link.

Uncontested - Parish Councillor Applications

Broadwell Village


April 2023

A total of 7 applications were received for Broadwell Parish Council, this means the applications are uncontested and all 7 applicants will become Broadwell Parish Councillors w.e.f. 9th May 2023.

The District Council Ward, however, is contested; therefore, an election will occur on 4 May. The key dates for the election are:

Deadline to register to vote, if not already

Monday 17 April

Deadline to submit an application to vote by post

5pm on Tuesday 18 April

Forms available from or contact this office for a paper form to be posted to you

Deadline to submit an application to vote by proxy

5pm on Tuesday 25 April

Forms available from or contact this office for a paper form to be posted to you

Deadline to submit an application for a Voter Authority Certificate

5pm on Tuesday 25 April

Polling stations will be open from 7am until 10pm on Thursday 4 May

A new bus service for the North Cotswolds

North Cotswolds


April 2023

I am writing to introduce you to a new on-demand bus service for the North Cotswolds. This service is being run by Community Connexions – a Gloucestershire charity providing transport for the most vulnerable in our communities. This is a door-to-door service, so not to be confused with the recently introduced Robin bus.

The service is due to start the week commencing 3rd April and the Bus will be based at Stow. I am writing to ask for your support in publicising the service in your parish/town. We are also looking at running regular shopper routes, these are door to door so ideal for those unable to get to a bus stop. We would like to know which supermarket(s) are most utilised in your area to set up the most suitable route(s). Passengers on these shopper routes can use their concessionary bus passes, so can travel for free.

To this end, we would be grateful if you would reply with what would be of best use in your parish. When the routes are finalised we will send you a PDF and some paper copies to publicise.

If there are groups you know that would benefit from the service please do let us know.

This is a pilot project for the North Cotswolds and we need your assistance in making it a success.

Kind regards


Amber Deacon

Marketing Manager

Community Connexions

Suite 10, Corinium House,

Corinium Avenue,

Barnwood Point,



Mobile: 07539 083551

Office: 0345 6805029



We always need more volunteer drivers! Do you know anyone who could help?


Our values – Respectful, Helpful and Honest

Community Connexions operating Community Transport across Gloucestershire

Registered charity no. 1119310. Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, company no. 05880006.

Registered office: Suite 132, Corinium House, Barnwood Point, Gloucester GL4 3HX Tel: 0345 680 5029.

Vat registration no. 940 9715 08

Disabled Children's access to activities in the Cotswolds - A survey opportunity to share please

Broadwell Village


February 2023

Please see attached document.

Parish Council Budget for 23/24


February 2023

Broadwell Parish Council has set their budget for  2023/24 which is attached.  The spending for 2023 24 is expected to be approximately £12,500.  This figure includes a reserves figure for £10,000 to be collected over the next five years to replace the Kubota Mower used to maintain the village green and verges.

The Parish Council has kept the precept figure collected locally from residents through their council tax, artificially low over the last couple of years.  This was due to the financial hardship from Covid and the recent recession.  However, it is a fine balance to ensure Broadwell Parish Council has enough funds to run efficiently and maintain the assets of the village.

This year the Parish Council has requested a precept payment from Cotswold District Council of £8500 for 23/24.  This still leaves a deficit of funds required of £4000 which the Parish Council will take from their reserves. 

For your information, last year the precept collected locally was £6795.  This has meant an increase of 20%.

TIME SENSITIVE: Stow on the Wold & Swells Neighbourhood Plan Documents for Consultation


February 2023

The consultation period is from the 6th of February 2023 until the 20th of March 2023. You are invited to present your comments via Stow on the Wold Town Council website see link above, or email the address below or by letter.

Gloucestershire Mentor Recruitment Invite


January 2023

Councillor vacancy on Broadwell Parish Council

Broadwell Village


January 2023

We currently have a space to be filled on the parish council.  If you have a strong drive to help make decisions within your local village, then we would love to hear from you.  We desperately need assistance to take on Highway's issues and follow-ups for us.  If you are passionate and want to see a speed restriction in the village then perhaps you are that person. The parish council meet approximately ten times a year at the village hall, Wednesdays from 7.30 to approximately 9.30 depending on the business listed.  For further information please contact the clerk or chairman direct or speak to one of the other council members.

Resignation of Cllr Burtonwood


December 2022

It is with regret we have to inform you of the resignation of one of our councillors, Kate Burtonwood.  She was a valued member of the parish council and will be sorely missed.  Thank you for all of your hard work throughout your term in serving the village and council.

CDC - Latest News

Cotswold District Council


December 2022


Dates relevant to full District and Parish Elections for May 23

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Free Transport and helpline

Gloucestershire County Council have asked Barnardo's to manage the holiday transport offer. If any families do not have access to transport and wish to get to activities beyond walking distance they can contact Barnardo's directly. The County Council will also provide a helpline for families who are having difficulties with the children's activity booking system (CABs). This will operate from 10am until 4pm weekdays. Information and details for both of these offers are currently being finalised and will be posted onto the county website soon, the link is below:

2. Cotswold Connected Community and Food Programme – Funding support for local projects

This programme is open to not-for-profit Voluntary and Community Sector organisations and Social Enterprises. We would also like to hear from individuals or small un-constituted groups with a great idea. Projects must demonstrate how the funding will be used to increase community resilience and enhance people's lives. There may be such groups in your area:

Examples for projects include:

· Community Food projects such as Community Fridges/larders/pantries

· Community Hubs

· Friendship/Talking Café's

· Intergenerational projects

· Community Activities aiming to connect people

· Community transport

· Development of Community Partnerships

· Any initiatives aiming to support mental and physical wellbeing

3. Finally, just a reminder of these useful links to community resources related to well-being and cost of living. We welcome updates so that we can gather and share information about all that is on offer.


Cotswold District council extra support - Cotswold District Council has today written to 348 households across the district to inform them the Council will be providing additional financial support to them to help with the rising costs of energy bills.


Cotswold District Council is working in partnership with Gloucestershire County Council and local community organisation World Jungle to deliver another Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) for eligible children across the Cotswold district this winter.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have your say in CDC budgets

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CDC ask residents to get their recycling right to help reduce waste




Historic Moreton - A quarter of a million-pound investment from the Cotswold District Council will help transform the area around Moreton-in-Marsh train station into a transport hub for the North Cotswolds.


Don't lose your right to vote! Please click the above link to find out further information if you have not heard from the canvassing team with respect to your vote.


Successful prosecution by CDC for fly-tipping near Stow on the Wold.

Holiday Activity and Food Programme is back - free summer fun for children and young people

Holiday activity and food programme is back - free summer fun for children and young people


Cotswolds District Council has a small pot of funding available (£200 limit) to help fund community-led initiatives that take action to maintain and improve the environment. This money has already helped create a wildflower meadow in Bourton-on-the-Water. Get in touch withMillieorJoewho will also be on hand to advise local councils. They will be engaging with residents in the district and presenting talks to groups and schools on the importance of taking care of and maintaining local environments.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In its continued commitment to tackling the climate and ecological emergency, Cotswold District Council is taking a leading role in supporting wildlife by helping to create a Nature Recovery Plan (NRP) for the much loved Cotswold Water Park. To find out more about the Cotswold Water Park Nature Recovery Plan, please visit Cotswold District Council's website:

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Cotswold District Council has opened applications for financial support to those most in need of help with their energy bills. The new scheme is for residents who were not eligible for the recent £150 council tax rebate. More information on the rebate can be found on the Council website

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________For more information on Cotswold Climate Investment, please visit Cotswold District Council's website:

FREE ENERGY SURVEYS FOR PRIVATE TENANTS: Tenants living in cold and draughty accommodation can expect warmer, healthier homes thanks to a campaign by Cotswold District Council, which has received backing from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Please access through the link below:

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


September 2022

It has been announced by Buckingham Palace that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed peacefully on 8th September 2022.

The Parish Council Members and the people of Broadwell village offer our sincere condolences to the members of the Royal Family at this very sad time in our country's history.

Condolence book at St Paul's Church, Broadwell

St Pauls Church Broadwell


September 2022

“We have opened a book of condolence in the church in Broadwell to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth 11 and is available for all to sign.

The church as ever is open during daylight hours for all who might wish to use it for a time of quiet reflection or prayer.

There will be a service of Holy Communion this Sunday at 9.30 am which will include special prayers for the Queen, King Charles and the Royal family.”

Thank you.

With best wishes,


Parish Council News

Broadwell Village


August 2022 

Just a quick note to let you all know the parish council has created a Facebook page that will be used solely to communicate

the parish council news directly to their parishioners. Please click the link above to view and feel free to advertise our page to other local residents.  The above link can also be found at the bottom of our website pages by clicking on the Facebook blue logo.

IMPORTANT - Stow on the Wold Public Consultation for future Neighbourhood Plan

Stow on the wold TC


June 2022   Please find a link to Stow on the Wold Town Council's public consultation.

Your chance to help shape the future of Stow on the Wold. As this will have an effect on Broadwell I have added this to our website for your reference.  The first consultation will take place today in St Edward's Hall 14:00 hrs to 20:00 hrs 

Calor gas compound

Broadwell Village


June 2022

20/7/22 - UPDATE - Works have been delayed due to fencing panels not being available through the contractor.  Works should commence in mid-August and not the beginning as first informed.

16/6/22 - UPDATE - Calor gas has confirmed works should take place from 1st to 5th August.

14/6/22 -  Today I received confirmation from Calor Gas Customer Engineering Co-ordinator that their site visit is complete.

This is the information they supplied to me.

Further to our engineer's visit yesterday he has advised the following

Not Complete - Customer Notes: Compound fence has all broken and fallen down, I have put the gate and piece of the fence back up but this needs a new fence and membrane with gravel urgently

We will need to replace this like for like with half hit and miss and another half chainlink we will need to order the following materials -

20m of chainlink fencing with 2 gates

12x hit and miss fence panels with 14 posts and 40 bags of postcrete

Fencing to be delivered on day 2

The following are to be delivered on day 1-

8-yard skip delivered

3 heras fence panels with feet

1-ton digger

Skip loading dumper

3 rolls of weed suppression

8-ton bags of p gravel delivered on day 4 the first drop

Hopefully, this work will be carried out soon.


Clerk to Broadwell PC

Resignation of Parish Councillor


January 2022

Please find attached the Notice of Vacancy in the office of Councillor for Broadwell Parish Council.

Councillor Georgina Thorley is standing down from the parish council due to other commitments.  

This means there are now currently two seats vacant on the parish council. If you or anyone you know

is interested in the village, community affairs and projects, and would like to fill these spaces, please contact the clerk

in the first instance at

We ask that you attend parish meetings and donate whatever time you have available with no pressure, to ongoing village projects.  The parish council only meet every six weeks to discuss and agree on parish matters.

Cotswold District Council - Roundup

Cotswold District Council


November 2021

Cotswold District Council has updated its Corporate Strategy, which sets out the key projects the Council has committed to delivering for the Cotswolds, with great progress made on the previous plan started in September 2020.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Joe Harris, said: "In 2020 we committed to a plan for delivering on behalf of Cotswold residents and I am pleased to say we have made great progress, delivering some brilliant projects alongside our response to the pandemic.

"We have been able to deliver towards all of the priorities we set as a council from responding to the climate emergency and supporting local businesses, to helping build stronger communities. Projects like our Crowdfund Cotswold scheme have revolutionised the way we do things in the Cotswolds, helping communities do more locally.

"We are an ambitious council and this refresh of our corporate strategy builds on the good work we have delivered over the past 18 months to take us even further and do more for our communities."

Over the past 18 months, the Council has delivered many projects including:

  • The launch of Crowdfund Cotswold, a new approach to community grants funding, raising over £370,000 for local projects since February 2021.
  • 114 affordable homes built in 2020/21, over the target of 100 homes.
  • Launched the civic pride initiative 'Clean and Green Cotswolds' to tackle littering, fly-tipping and support local initiatives that care for the environment.
  • A new waste and recycling service with a collection success rate of over 99%.
  • Reduced the carbon footprint of the council leisure centres.
  • Launch of the Cotswold Climate Initiative to fund climate change projects.
  • Started the refresh of the Local Plan to introduce much more ambitious policies to tackle the climate emergency.

The updated corporate strategy builds on the delivery against the Council's priorities of delivering the highest standard of service, responding to the climate crisis, providing socially rented homes, making the local plan green to the core, supporting health and wellbeing and enabling a vibrant economy.

The updated plan includes a number of new ambitious projects on top of the ones already being delivered including:

  • Improved road and street cleaning as part of the Clean and Green project.
  • Better engagement with local town and parish councils.
  • Reducing carbon emissions from council operations.
  • Delivering carbon-neutral social housing across the district.
  • Complete the update of the Local Plan to make it 'green to the core'.
  • Bringing new businesses to the Cotswolds to help grow the local economy.

Cllr Harris continued "While our fundamental aims have not changed, our plans and priorities have been altered by events that have developed since the end of February 2020 and the progress we have made over the past 18 months.

"There's a lot to do. We won't get everything right, but by listening to our residents – and acting on their concerns – we can address the big issues that affect their lives and I hope residents will see this is a council committed to delivering on their behalf."




March 2021

Registering to vote

Anyone who wishes to vote must be registered on the electoral register. The deadline for those who are not registered to make an application is Monday 19 April. For more information and to register see:

Postal voting

For anyone interested in voting by post this year they just need to make sure they apply before 20 April 2021. They can request a postal vote application form by visiting

We would encourage people to sign up to do this as soon as possible.

Proxy voting

If a resident is unable to make it to the polling station, then they can nominate someone to be their proxy and cast their vote for them. The proxy needs to be a registered voter and able to attend the voter’s own polling station. Applications for proxy voting need to be sent to the District Council by no later than 5pm on Tuesday 27 April.

More information around the local elections for 2021 can be found at our website

Consultation Licensing Policy

Cotswold District Council


February 2021

Consultation on Cotswold District Council’s Draft Statement of Licensing Policy (Licensing Act 2003)

Cotswold District Council has prepared a draft policy and this is available to view online. If you wish to view this document please visit If you require a printed copy of the draft policy, then please email the licensing team by replying to this email.

If you would like to comment on the draft policy the final date for responses is Sunday 9th May 2021. A link is provided on the above

Cotswold District Council Covid Business Update

Cotswold District Council

Covid 19 Business Update


Hello, I’m Councillor Tony Dale, Cabinet Member for Economy and Transformation. As summer draws to a close, I hope it has been an enjoyable and successful one for you. In particular, I hope businesses in the retail and hospitality sectors have been able to make up some of the lost ground from the lockdown earlier in the year. Case numbers are still high, so it’s important we all play our part in keeping the virus under control. The latest guidance for business on the link below.

There is a lot of support out there for businesses and the wider economy and some of these initiatives are highlighted in this newsletter. Please take advantage of the help and support available if you feel it will be of value to you and your business.

It has been heartening to hear about many new businesses starting up in the District in recent months and I’m sure this is a trend that will continue. As ever, if there is anything we can help with, please get in touch.