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13 November 2024

Full Parish Council Meeting

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November 2024

Broadwell Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

October 2024
Wednesday, 19:00
Broadwell Village Hall - Meeting Room


Full Parish Council Meeting

This is the new meeting date to replace September 25th.

Agenda will be posted nearer the date.

September 2024

CANCELLED -----Parish Council Meeting

CANCELLED - Parish Council Meeting TBA

Due to some of our members unable to attend on the 25th of September, this meeting has been deferred.  A new meeting date will be advised as soon as possible but likely to be 2/10/24.

The Clerk will confirm the new date, however, you can contact the clerk for more information.  07967 212624

July 2024
Wednesday, 19:00
Broadwell Village Hall - Meeting Room

Broadwell Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

May 2024

Annual Parish Council Meeting

Annual Parish Council meeting

Agendas will be posted for both annual meetings nearer the time.

May 2024

Annual Parish Assembly May 8th 2024

Annual Parish Council meeting

March 2024
Wednesday, 19:00
Broadwell Village Hall - Meeting Room

Broadwell Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

PLEASE NOTE NEW TIME 7.00 PM - Everyone is welcome to attend to comment on any item listed on the agenda.

The agenda will be posted at least three days before the 13th of March.

January 2024
Wednesday, 19:00
Broadwell Village Hall

Broadwell Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Everyone is welcome to attend and we welcome input for any items on the agenda.

December 2023
Monday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting 4th December

Extraordinary Meeting

The Parish Council will hold an extraordinary meeting following the village meeting to discuss the reinstatement of the clerk and responsible finance officer.

November 2023

Broadwell Parish Council Meeting - November 8th

Full Parish Council Meeting

Everyone is welcome to attend.

September 2023
Broadwell Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Signed hard copies of the minutes are kept by the clerk.

September 2023
Thursday, 19:00
Village Hall Car Park

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Extraordinary Meeting

A short meeting to discuss approval of the extra work required to the bus shelter.

Signed hard copies of the minutes are kept by the clerk.

August 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall - Meeting Room

Broadwell Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

The public is encouraged to attend to report any local issues or to discuss any item on the agenda in advance of the meeting.  Perhaps you would like to deliver praise where earned.  

Signed minutes are kept in hard file by the clerk.

July 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall


Parish Council Meeting

Council members have been summoned to attend our next parish council meeting for July.  All members of the public are welcome to attend.

Signed hard copies of the minutes are kept by the clerk.

May 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall

Annual Parish Council meeting

Annual Parish Council meeting

Please find attached the agenda for the Parish Council Annual Meeting.  This meeting will follow on from the Parish Assembly Meeting which starts at 7.00 p.m.

May 2023
Wednesday, 19:00
Broadwell village hall

Annual Parish Assembly Meeting Wednesday May 24th 2023

Planning Meeting

The Annual Parish Assembly will be held at 7.00 p.m. in the village hall prior to the Annual Parish Council meeting which will start at approximately 7.30 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to attend the Parish Assembly.  It is also an opportunity for village groups to attend and advertise their presence or their work and achievements in the village.  You may wish to represent your group and give a talk, or to just introduce yourself to the village.  If you would like to make a representation regarding village matters whether it's to compliment someone's efforts or raise an issue, please let the clerk know at the following email address.

Both agendas will be posted nearer the date.  If there is anything you would like raised at either of the annual meetings, again please contact the clerk direct.

April 2023

Next Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting


The agenda will be posted near the meeting date and prior to 13th April 23.

March 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall - Meeting Room

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting


The agenda will be posted by or on 2ND MARCH 23

February 2023
Friday, 18:00
Broadwell Village Hall

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting Re - Stow on the Wold NHP Consultation

Extraordinary Meeting

The Public Consultation period opened yesterday on the Stow Neighbourhood Plan. This plan covers Stow, plus the Swells and an area west of the Swells and lays out their vision for Stow on the Wold by 2031.
It includes 170 new houses being proposed to be built in the field below Tesco. It covers community schemes,  reducing the parking in Stow Square, pedestrianising areas, building a new car park on the outskirts of the town and talks about the impacts these changes will have on shops, businesses and residents. It is written by members of STC and community representatives from Stow & The Swells.
Stow Residents were asked to complete a survey to shape their NHP. Less than 20% of people replied. These 20% of responses have helped shape their plan.

Here is a link to the website where all 4 documents can be viewed. There is lots of supplementary info listed below it too. 

Neighbourhood Plan – Stow on the Wold Town Council (

The potential development site below Tesco(numbered 6 and 7 in the NHP) includes access for 170 homes out onto the narrow road which leads up from Broadwell.  

The impact of the Stow Neighbourhood plan could be significant on Broadwell, and we are aware that following our meeting last year we will want to come together as a Village and discuss how we might best respond with our comments. 

We propose an Extraordinary Village Meeting on Friday 17th February at 6-7pm in Broadwell Village Hall. 

There is a comments form at the bottom of the link attached above and we have until 20th march for everyone to leave comment.

We look forward to meeting up with everyone on 17th feb to discuss the impacts on Broadwell and the comments we can feed back to STC.

January 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall

Broadwell Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Agenda will be posted by next Thursday.  All are welcome to attend.

November 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall

Broadwell Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

A meeting held by the Parish Council - The public is welcome to comment during the public session on any 

subject in connection to the council's work regarding the village.

October 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall

Broadwell Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

This meeting has been dedicated to obtaining information in connection to the Stow Neighbourhood Plan.  We have invited a guest speaker, the Local Planning Manager from Cotswold District Council.

September 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
Broadwell village hall

Broadwell Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting

A meeting held by the Parish Council - The public is welcome to comment during the public session on any 

subject in connection to the council's work regarding the village.

July 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall

Broadwell Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

An opportunity for the community to engage the parish council.  Draft minutes are attached and will be approved at our next meeting.

June 2022
Broadwell Village

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Draft minutes are attached for your perusal and will be on the agenda for full approval at the next PC meeting on the 20th July 22.

May 2022
Thursday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall

Annual Parish Council meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Annual meeting for election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman, approve policies etc

May 2022
Thursday, 19:00
Broadwell Village Hall

Annual Parish Assembly Meeting

An opportunity for the community to engage the parish council, find out about the council's achievements over the last year and raise local issues.

These minutes will be approved in the next Annual Parish Assembly in 2023

March 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall

An Extraordinary Planning Meeting 30th March 2022

Extraordinary Meeting

Following requests from the electors the members have decided to hold an extraordinary meeting to further discuss an amended planning application at Redhill Farm.

March 2022

Parish Council meeting

Parish Council Meeting

February 2022
Thursday, 19:30
Broadwell Village

An Extraordinary Meeting for Flood Plan

Extraordinary Meeting

The Chairman has called for an extraordinary meeting to discuss the way forward for the flood plans devised for Broadwell by Mr King at CDC.

January 2022

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Draft minutes up for approval on 16/3/22

December 2021

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

October 2021

Parish Council Meeting

September 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall

Parish Council meeting

Parish Council Meeting

July 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Broadwell Village Hall

Parish Council meeting

Parish Council Meeting

June 2021
Wednesday, 17:30
Broadwell Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

May 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
On line via Zoom

Annual Parish Assembly meeting

May 2021
Wednesday, 20:00
Broadwell Village Hall

Annual Parish Council meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

April 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
On line via Zoom

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

March 2021
Wednesday, 19:30

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID Password Meeting ID: 952 7900 2716 Passcode: 508498

January 2021
Wednesday, 19:30

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID Password Meeting ID: 217 808 6764 Passcode: 1KndtY

December 2020
Wednesday, 19:30

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held online on Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

November 2020
Friday, 19:30

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held online on Friday 6th November 2020 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

October 2020
Tuesday, 19:30

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held online on Wednesday 28th October 2020 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business: 

July 2020
Thursday, 19:30

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held online on Thursday 9 th July 2020 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

March 2020
Friday, 19:30
The Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 6th March 2020 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

February 2020
Thursday, 19:30
The Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 6th February 2020 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

January 2020
Thursday, 19:30
The Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 9 th January 2020 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business: 

December 2019
Thursday, 19:30
Victory Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting


November 2019
Thursday, 19:30
Victory Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 7th November at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

October 2019
Thursday, 19:30
Victory Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 3rd October at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

September 2019
Thursday, 19:30
Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Public notice is given for a Meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held on Thursday 5th September 2019 in Broadwell Village Hall at 7.30pm 

To all Members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall

July 2019
Thursday, 19:30
Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Public notice is given for a Meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held on Thursday 4 th July 2019 in Broadwell Village Hall at 7.30pm 

To all Members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held in the Villa

June 2019
Monday, 19:30
Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting


May 2019
Friday, 19:30
Village Hall

Annual Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Public notice is given for the Annual Meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held on Thursday 9th May 2019 in Broadwell Village Hall at 7.30pm 

To all Members of the Council: 

You are hereby summoned to the Annual meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 9th May 2019 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

April 2019
Thursday, 19:30
Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

The Annual Parish Assembly of BROADWELL is TO BE HELD in Broadwell Village Hall on THURSDAY 4 th April 2018 at 8pm

March 2019
Thursday, 19:30
Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Public notice is given for a Meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held on Thursday 7 th March 2019 in The Village Hall, Broadwell at 7.30pm 

To all Members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council on Thursday 7th March 2019 to be held in the Village Hall, Broadwell at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

February 2019
Thursday, 19:30
Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Public notice is given for a Meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held on Thursday 7 th February 2019 in The Village Hall, Broadwell at 7.30pm 

To all Members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall, Broadwell on Thursday 7th February 2019 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

January 2019
Thursday, 19:30
Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council Meeting

Public notice is given for a Meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held on Thursday 10th January 2019 in The Village Hall, Broadwell at 7.30pm 

To all Members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Broadwell Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall, Broadwell on Thursday 10th January 2019 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business: