Insurance 24/25
01 June 2024

The Parish Council's insurance policy is held with Zurich for the period 1/6/24 to 31/5/25

Certificate of Employer's Liability insurance
01 June 2023

Please see attached certificate w.e.f. 1/6/23 to 31/5/24

Certificate of Public Liability Insurances
01 June 2023

Please see attached certificate for 1/6/23 to 31/5/24

Information Commissioners Office Certificate (ICO) Data Protection
08 April 2023
Elections Toolkit
22 February 2023
Cotswold Carers Notice
04 August 2022

Urgent appeal - volunteer carers and drivers required for the North Cotswold areas

GRCC newsletter
07 July 2022

SubjectOpen to read our July edition of Newsbites
FromGRCC <>Add to address book
ToBroadwell Parish Council <>Add to address book
DateWed 15:28
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Newsbites brings you news and updates from GRCC and other relevant organisations. This edition includes:

- GRCC's Access to Services Survey

- News on updates to GRCC toolkits for communities

- Digital co-production in Gloucestershire through GRCC's DAISI project

- Free webinars by Cirican and Open University

- The return of the Thriving Communities grant

GRCC would like to find out more about the experiences people have of accessing services in Gloucestershire, whether that's transport, food shopping, bank services (including accessing cash and banking for community and voluntary groups), or Post Office services.

We have created a brief survey, which should only take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous. If you live or work in Gloucestershire please take part – and do feel free to share it with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours. We would like to hear from as many people as possible.

Click the link below to take part. The survey will close on 31 July 2022.

Thank you!

Community Emergency Planning Toolkit update

GRCC has recently updated the Community Emergency Planning Toolkit, a suite of resources based on our extensive experience working to support communities to be more resilient.

If you would like to find out more about the toolkit and how GRCC can support you to make your community more resilient contact Helen Richards For an overview of Community Emergency Planning, click here to visit our website.

CARS (Community Approaches To Road Safety) Toolkit update

GRCC is updating the CARS Toolkit which will be available this autumn. We will be presenting the new toolkit at four district launches planned in Forest, Stroud, Cotswolds and Tewkesbury, in partnership with Gloucestershire County Council and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Watch this space for more news!

Digital Co-production in Gloucestershire

GRCC through the DAISI project has been working with people with physical disabilities, mental health issues, and other barriers to help shape current and future digital projects. Using a combination of in person and online group and facilitated one-to-one sessions we have collected data and information to put individuals at the centre of their online journey.

DAISI - Making Gloucestershire digitally ready, one click at a time.

We have been using different methods, media and approaches to make sure all districts and demographics are involved. One of the key messages received through multiple sessions was the lack of end user focused design in digital services as well as the lack of awareness of accessibility techniques and support among those who provide digital inclusion. Both of these omissions create unnecessary barriers for some of the most vulnerable in the county.

Click below to find out more about how we can support your digital service delivery through the DAISI project.

Want to find out how different rural communities have developed approaches around land management, coastal issues and food and farming?

Cirican in partnership with the Open University are pleased to announce the 2022 Rural Natters series. Come and join one of our informal and free to attend #ruralnatters on:

Coastal Communities – July 13th

Land and Environment – July 14th

Food and Farming – July 15th

Starting at 12noon and lasting just over an hour hear from speakers including Rob Poole from Cornwall Rural Community Charity, Dr Vicky Johnson from Open University, and Laura Dixon from Devon Communities Together, and reflections from our chairs Ivan Annibal, Dr Patrick Candler and Nigel Curry on how rural places can shape their futures.

We will have a natter about

* Levelling Up and how UKSPF investment plans need to consider how they support rural places

* The infrastructure needed to think about how we improve our management of land, manage the #staycation phenomenon and the role of #farming and food in contribution to reducing carbon footprint.

Places are limited so book now! Click the links above to book via Eventbrite.

Thriving Communities Funding is back!

Grants of up to £7,500 available

As we move out of pandemic towards a post-pandemic world, Gloucestershire County Council is keen to support the reintroduction of in-person activities that help improve mental wellbeing and create opportunities to connect with others.

The funding can be used for organisations or groups to develop new or existing projects which strengthen community-based activity in supporting people, inclulding collaborative and partnership bids; staffing costs and overheads; volunteer expenses; and continued delivery of projects or increased activity to meet demand.

The deadline for applications is 29 July 2022. Click below for more information and how to apply.
Cotswold District Council - SHEELA
05 November 2021

Following the recent Cotswold District Council Members Briefing on the Local Plan partial update and Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (known as the ‘SHELAA’ for short), this email is to inform you that the updated SHELAA is now available to download from the Council’s website at the following link:

Some further information on the SHELAA is also provided here:

To recap, what is the SHELAA?

The SHELAA confirms the availability of land and assesses the potential suitability of development sites for allocation in the local plan. It also considers whether development would be achievable and viable. In so doing, it creates a shortlist of candidate sites to take forward for further assessment.

The report assesses newly submitted sites resulting from call for sites campaigns in 2019 and 2020, as well as reassessing previously identified sites from earlier revisions of the SHELAA.

The SHELAA does not in itself allocate land for development and does not grant planning permission for development. It is one of a number of evidence studies that the Council is required to produce, which helps to understand the various issues about potential development sites. The report helps to inform the decision of which sites should be allocated in the Local Plan. It can also be used by neighbourhood planning groups as evidence to support Neighbourhood Plans.

What happens next and how can people get involved?

The SHELAA will form part of an upcoming consultation on the first stage of the Local Plan Partial Update, which will give residents and organisations the chance to feed back on the report. We especially want local people to participate in the consultation once it starts. In so doing, they can tell us if there are any factual inaccuracies with the SHELAA site assessments, if there is anything that we’ve missed, or if they agree with the site assessments. The Forward Planning team will contact you separately to let you know more about the Local Plan consultation.

The Council has to keep the SHELAA under regular review, as the situation surrounding potential development sites is continually changing. It is anticipated that a further update to the SHELAA will be undertaken before the Local Plan Partial Update is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination. This will take consideration of any responses to the Local Plan consultation.

The Forward Planning team will commence further assessment work on the shortlisted sites in the meantime – for example, flood risk assessment, infrastructure capacity / delivery, accessibility testing, viability appraisal, and so on.

Kind regards


Democratic Services


Fosse Cross Recycling Centre Temporary Closure
01 November 2021

For your information.

Fosse Cross will be closed from Monday 8th November for essential site repairs.

Residents are able to book at any other site, including Pyke Quarry HRC or Shipston-on-Stour in Warwickshire, during the closure period. For more information, please read the media release via the link below:

Best regards


David CunninghamWard Councillor FosseridgeCotswold District Council

Cotswold District Council Budget consultation for 2022/23
15 October 2021
GRCC Food Survey
15 October 2021

Survey will close 31st October 2021

Covid-19 Updates
01 January 2021

We will be using "notices" to communicate information the Parish Council receives regarding Covid-19 and the current situation facing our community

LOCK DOWN SUPPORT - Please see the three links below. Jan 2021


Dear Parish Clerk,

It is with a very heavy heart that I must tell you that we have decided that all Villager services will be suspended from Monday next. We have not wanted to do this, for the sake of our isolated passengers who depend on our services, but the government advice is getting stronger by the day that we must all avoid contact with other people particularly the elderly and vulnerable who make up 95% of our passengers (and 75% of our drivers). 

We feel that this step is necessary to protect our passengers and drivers and to try to slow the spread of the disease. We will be putting a notice on our website, as well as letting as many passengers as we can know by phone of the suspension but should be most grateful if you could let your residents know by notices, newsletter or by putting a notice on your bus stop.We are very aware that this suspension will hit older people in villages particularly hard as so many rely on us for their needs. We would urge you to consider community support schemes, as many are doing, to provide practical help at this difficult time.

We will, of course, let you know when we plan to restart services, hopefully in the not too distant future.

Kind regards,

Keith Gowing


The Villager