February 2023
Friday, 18:00
Broadwell Village Hall

Extraordinary Meeting

The Public Consultation period opened yesterday on the Stow Neighbourhood Plan. This plan covers Stow, plus the Swells and an area west of the Swells and lays out their vision for Stow on the Wold by 2031.
It includes 170 new houses being proposed to be built in the field below Tesco. It covers community schemes,  reducing the parking in Stow Square, pedestrianising areas, building a new car park on the outskirts of the town and talks about the impacts these changes will have on shops, businesses and residents. It is written by members of STC and community representatives from Stow & The Swells.
Stow Residents were asked to complete a survey to shape their NHP. Less than 20% of people replied. These 20% of responses have helped shape their plan.

Here is a link to the website where all 4 documents can be viewed. There is lots of supplementary info listed below it too. 

Neighbourhood Plan – Stow on the Wold Town Council (stowonthewold-tc.gov.uk)

The potential development site below Tesco(numbered 6 and 7 in the NHP) includes access for 170 homes out onto the narrow road which leads up from Broadwell.  

The impact of the Stow Neighbourhood plan could be significant on Broadwell, and we are aware that following our meeting last year we will want to come together as a Village and discuss how we might best respond with our comments. 

We propose an Extraordinary Village Meeting on Friday 17th February at 6-7pm in Broadwell Village Hall. 

There is a comments form at the bottom of the link attached above and we have until 20th march for everyone to leave comment.

We look forward to meeting up with everyone on 17th feb to discuss the impacts on Broadwell and the comments we can feed back to STC.





Additional Documents

Draft Minutes Extraordinary Meeting of Broadwell PC 170223.pdf